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Thursday, March 20th, 2003 02.30 GMT

remember the clotted blood
that marks the wounds
cleaved by the "liberator"
in innocent flesh
of young martyrs
sent under pressure
to the fields to requite
the leader of "civilized states"
trying with blind power
to dominate the wells
of black blood
to pump it into
his own nation
in by short-sightedness
caused wounds


"Thursday, March 20th 2003 02.30 GMT"
March 20th 2006; English translation on the occasion of the creation of "Tag der politischen Lüge"
("Day of the political lie") by the Peter Weiss Stiftung, Berlin
© Jan-Clemens Lampe

Translation of "Donderdag 20 maart 2003 02.30 GMT"
March 20th 2003 02.30 GMT
© Jan-Clemens Lampe